About Us

 Onslow Bay is an experienced, long-term investor with access to permanent capital.

Why Onslow Bay

Onslow Bay has an experienced and talented asset management platform with significant access to permanent capital through the relationship with our parent. Our parent’s long-standing commitment to the expanded credit residential whole loan market as a core strategy differentiates our platform from our peers other market participants.

Onslow Bay purchases closed, funded, performing residential loans made to mortgagors with stable incomes and employment histories. Onslow Bay is not an end originator and does not directly service residential whole loans or seek to sell other products/services to borrowers.  Onslow Bay values our originator partners and does not directly compete with our correspondents.

Onslow Bay’s expanded credit programs provide financing and access to credit to many underserved borrowers across the country. Onslow Bay Financial LLC is an approved Fannie Mae Single Family Servicer, a Freddie Mac Single Family Seller/Servicer, a HUD Investing Mortgagee and currently holds the requisite state mortgage finance approvals or exemptions to purchase and own performing residential whole loans (1st and 2nd lien) and/or servicing rights in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Experienced Leadership

Onslow Bay has demonstrated a track record of outperformance acquiring residential whole loans. Since 2018, Onslow Bay’s market leadership has resulted in issuance of $33.8 billion of performing, non-Agency securitizations.

Unparalleled Access to Permanent Capital

Our parent company, Annaly Capital Management, Inc., is a leading diversified capital manager with investment strategies across mortgage finance. With $13 billion in permanent capital, Annaly provides differentiated access to capital and a long-term commitment to the organic creation of residential credit assets.